Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ultimate Nutrition for Building Big Muscles.

Ultimate Nutrition for Building Big Muscles.



Here are some very helpful muscle building tips for building muscle size.

Based on all of those weight losing articles and information, you are probably one of those unique few

who want to actualloy gain weight; Muscular Weight Gain. Whatever the reason, you want to bulk up.

Most lean men who can't gain muscle weight are simply eating and exercising the wrong way. Here is your fix:

Follow these ten principles to pack on as much as a pound of muscle each week.

1) Maximize Muscle Building.

Consume protein. The More protein your body stores - in a process called protein synthesis - the larger your muscles grow.

2) Eat Meat

Shoot for about 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, which is roughly the maximum amount your body can use is a day, according to a landmark study
in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

3) Eat More

In addition to adequate protein, you need more calories.

4) Work the Big Ones

If you are a beginner, just about any workout will be intense enough to increase protein synthesis. But if you've been lifting for quite sometime,
you'll build the most muscle quickest if you focus on the large muscle groups, like the chest, back, and legs. Add squats, deadlifts, pullups, bent-over rows,
bench presses, dips, and military presses to your training.

5) Have a Stiff Drink before training

A 2001 study at the University of Texas found that lifters who drank a shake containing amino acids and carbohydrates before working out increase their protein synthesis
more than lifters who drank the same shake after exercising. The shake contained 6 grams of essential amino acids - the building blocks of protein - and 35 grams of carbohydrates.

6) Lift Every Other Day

Every training day should be followed by a day of complete rest. Train every other day.

7) Finish your training with carbs and protein

Research shows that you will rebuild muscle faster on your rest days if you feed your body carbohydrates and protein. Post workout meals with carbs increase your insulin levels,
which in turn, slows the rate of protein breakdown.

8) Eat every two to three hours

If you do not eat often enough, you can limit the rate at which your body builds new proteins. Take the number of calories you need in a day and divide it by six.
That is roughly the number you should eat at each meal. Make sure you consume about 20 grams of protein at each meal every three hours.

9) Snack on a littel ice cream
Have a small bowl of ice cream (any kind) 2 hours after your workout. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this snack triggers a surge of insulin better than
most foods do. This will put a damper on post-workout protein breakdown.

10) Have some Casin (Milk) before bed.

Eat a combination of carbohydrates and protein 30 minutes before you go to bed. The calories are more likely to stick with you during sleep and reduce protein breakdown in your muscles.
Try a cup of cottage cheese and some fruit. Eat again upon rising.

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