Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Ultimate Fitness and Fat Burning Plan Part 4


This is the continuation to the Chelation Therapy.

In technical terms, a "free radical" is an unbalanced molecule with an odd, unpaired electron. This unbalanced molecule tries to balance itself by bombarding other molecules in your body in an effort to capture that other molecules electron. When it "steals" the electron from the other molecule, that molecule then becomes a free radical itself and goes into attack mode on other molecules causing a chain reaction. This chain reaction ultimately results in the degeneration of cells, tissues, organs, and systems within the body.

The human body doesn't have an efficient metabolic function to eliminate heavy metals
and because of this, the body warehouses them in deep tissue places like bones, ligaments and other places such as the large intestine. Over time, metals migrate to other cells and tissues, initiating the stages of degenerative disease through free radical formation. The first signs of toxicity may include fatigue, pain in the muscles and extremities, poor circulation and inability to think clearly. The longer heavy metals are retained, the more devastating the health consequences potentially become.

For better health, start here!

The secret to good health is there is no secret. There is no magic pill or potion you
can take to create a better sense of wellness. The road to better health begins with
detoxification but it doesn’t end there. Rome was not built in a day, similarly, you want go from poor health to good health in a day either. What is required is a life style change by following these steps:

1.Detoxify – The logical first step to any program is to get rid of the toxins in your body. There are many good oral chalation formulas you can use. Just visit you local health food store.

2.Intestinal cleanse – If you’re not producing 2 to 3 healthy bowel movements daily, your colon needs help. It’s likely you have too much undigested food stuck in your lower intestine that needs to be removed because your body can’t do it on its own.

3.Eat right – You are what you eat. Eat a balanced diet consisting of whole foods and eliminate processed foods where you can.

4.Proper nutritional support – Eating good food is good, but not good enough! With depleted soils and hormone fed livestock, it is imperative you supplement your diet with good vitamins and minerals.

5.Balance hormones – This is essential to your body’s long term health. Hormone imbalance is a primary cause in sexual dysfunction, infertility and fatigue.

6.Exercise – Exercising will help you shed the extra pounds and increase your energy.

Remember to go to for your Ultimate fitness plan.

that is it for now.

Keep Hanging and Banging.

Leon Cruz.

P.S. If you want to take advantage of the Ultimate fitness plan to use with this information
go to:


Copyright, Urban Publishing Co. LLC. 2006

**The contents of this Blog is not to be considered as medical advice.
Always consult a physician before beginning or changing any fitness

This Blog is protected by copyright, 2006, Urban
Publishing Co. LLC. Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of
any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the
express written consent of Urban Publishing Co. LLC.

Leon Cruz
Urban Publishing Co. LLC.
P.O. Box 70181
Brooklyn New York, 11207-0181
718-346-4337 Phone
718-346-4337 FAX

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Ultimate Fitness and Fat Burning Plan Part 3


This is part 3 of the ultimate fitness program. We will now go into...


One of the most important lessons you can learn from Andrew L. Rubman, ND, is that the liver is probably one of the most important and most taken-for-granted organs in your body. Everyone knows about the brain and the heart for survival. But you can't live without a liver, either. When your liver's not working properly, you may feel sluggish, maybe slow, perhaps bloated, maybe headachy, muscle achy... just not ourself. Ignored for too long, our livers can fail. And in today's pesticide-laden, chemical-driven world, our overworked livers are under virtual siege. This, says Dr. Rubman, is a major health concern.

The liver and gut work hand in hand to vanquish toxins and keep us healthy, explains Dr. Rubman. Liver and digestive function are intrinsically and inevitably linked, because almost everything that enters the body passes through the liver for processing. Among the busy liver's many tasks:

Breaking down toxins and filtering waste products from the blood. Similarly, it is the gut's job to send toxic substances packing out of the body. But sometimes it seems that there are just too many toxins coming at the body from too many directions. Just imagine all the chemicals your body has to process on a daily basis -- antibiotic and hormone residues in meat, mercury and PCBs in fish, additives and dyes in processed foods, fresh paint fumes, harsh cleaning solutions, gasoline fumes when we fill up the tank, odious perfume on the person standing next to you on the bus or train, aspartame from the diet soft drinks you've been drinking, even drugs such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen (Tylenol), not to mention the myriad metabolic
earmarked for excretion. Taking just a little bit more of a medication than recommended can result in toxic accumulation in the liver.

What's the best way to go about supporting your liver and digestion to get rid of the many toxins that stand in the way of good health? According to Dr. Rubman, effective strategies include a healthful diet, toxin avoidance and sensible supplementation.

Follow a diet that is composed of at least half unprocessed foods. This means fiber-rich unrefined grains such as brown rice and whole-grain breads, steamed vegetables, ripe fruits, nuts and seeds. Fiber promotes healthful flora in the gut, keeps food moving efficiently through the digestive tract, and binds and transports excess bile out of the system so it is not inappropriately reabsorbed by the liver. When it comes to produce, bucking the current trend; Dr. Rubman believes that it is more important to buy fresh, ripe fruits and vegetables in season rather than organic produce. Environmentally stressed (by viruses, competition from other species, etc.) plants grown "organically" can create produce that is much more toxic than any that are commercially fertilized. Just make sure that the outer covering is intact and not degraded in any way.

Cut back on exposure to toxins. Among other things, this means alcohol, sugary foods,
white flour and other refined carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, pasta, etc.), processed foods and beverages that contain high-fructose corn syrup and trans fats, fried foods, fast foods and excessive consumption of red meat. Because of mercury content, go easy on large ocean fish such as swordfish and tuna, eating them at most twice a week.

As far as drugs go, keep in mind that even common over-the-counter medications can harm the liver when taken in excess. Notably, acetaminophen overdose is the second largest cause of liver transplants in the US. Take on other toxic exposures
one by one. For example, if your tap water is problematic, opt for bottled water instead. (Dr. Rubman's favorite:
Electrolyte-packed Gerolsteiner.) Also be careful what you breathe -- paints, pesticides, gasoline, etc., are also toxins.

Consider supplements.

Vitamin B-12. Ask your health-care professional to assess your B-12 level. Many Americans are deficient in this nutrient, which the liver requires for optimal function. If this is the case, Dr. Rubman recommends sublingual B-12 pills, either hydroxycobalamine or methylcobalamine, which equally as effective as and less expensive than B-12 shots. (Avoid cyancobalamine, which is poorly absorbed.)
B-12 should be taken under a doctor's supervision. Dandelion and burdock. These bitter herbs stimulate the release of salivary and gastric juices, says Dr. Rubman. They also help the liver bind and remove toxins, and they promote the production of bile to stimulate digestion. Milk thistle. This botanical contains the chemical flavonoid silymarin, which decreases the liver's retention of toxins as well as LIV 52.

There is a way to detoxify your body of heavy metals

Heavy metals are in your food, in your water, your air, your place of work and in your home...
you can not escape them. No, we're not talking about a new species of exotic insects. We're referring to toxic heavy metals... particularly lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, and nickel. From sources such as auto exhaust, industry emissions and pesticides - to prescription medicines, dental fillings, solvents, and household cleaning products - to personal products like cosmetics, deodorant and toothpaste - heavy metals assault our bodies at every turn.

Heavy metal accumulation in humans has been linked to many common health challenges, including cancer, candida, yeast overgrowth, cardiovascular ailments, arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Many neurological diseases, including depression, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease have also been strongly associated with heavy metals. Heavy metal poisoning can even accelerate the aging process because the presence of heavy metals in the body promotes free radical formation.


Remember to visit to take advantage
of the Ultimate Exercise Plane "Muscle Conditioning".

Well, that is it for now.

Keep Hanging and Banging.

Leon Cruz.

P.S. If you want to take advantage of the Ultimate fitness plan to use with this information
go to:


Copyright, Urban Publishing Co. LLC. 2006

**The contents of this Blog is not to be considered as medical advice.
Always consult a physician before beginning or changing any fitness

This Blog is protected by copyright, 2006, Urban
Publishing Co. LLC. Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of
any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the
express written consent of Urban Publishing Co. LLC.

Leon Cruz
Urban Publishing Co. LLC.
P.O. Box 70181
Brooklyn New York, 11207-0181
718-346-4337 Phone
718-346-4337 FAX

The Ultimate Fitness and Fat Burning Plan Part 2

The Ultimate Fitness and Fat Burning Plan
Part Two.


Your body may be in a acidic state. What is that you may ask? Well,
Many scientific studies have shown that when the body is in an acidic state
you are prone to many diseases and viruses such as common colds, Flues and such. Also, many studies have shown that if your body continues to stay in that state of acidity many major medical problems can occur; medical problems such as contacting many types of cancer.

Diseases and cancer can only survive when the body is in an acidic state, which
means that the body as a whole does not receive enough oxygen. Cancer and disease can't survive when the body is alkalized and filled with life giving oxygen.

One of the scientists that pioneered this discovery was Dr. Morter. Dr. Morter
discovered the powerful truth that when your body pH is acidic, disease such
as cancer, diabetes, and MS thrives. He also discovered that when a body's
pH is alkaline, disease such as cancer, cannot exist. Amazing!!

One of the ways to check or test your condition of health or propensity
for disease is to check your body's pH levels. You can do a Google
search on Jay Rob's company and purchase these little pH testing strips,
which he sells at his website.

Remember that it takes many years to develop most diseases. By checking
you pH levels on a regular basis you are never allowing your body a
long enough time to develop any disease.

As athletes who are in constant training like bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts
who are getting into shape, martial artists and wrestlers, the body is in constant stress. Stress along with a high protein diet, which many weight training athletes must use, cause the body to go into an acidic state.

Here is something I use and recommend along with testing your pH levels. To get your
levels to become alkalized and filled with oxygen try this drink tonic. Purchase a
rubber made quart container. Fill the quart half way with spring water and the other half with cranberry juice. Next, make sure to purchase some Kombocha extract from Kombocha has been used to enhance the following:

1) Stimulates the immune system
2) Balances the body's pH levels
3) Replenishes essential nutrients
4) Detoxifies the body without harsh side effects
5) Boosts the metabolic process

These benefits are all a plus and should be added to the drink above. Once the tonic is made Drink it all for that day. Make another fresh batch the next day and do the same.You can also add some Aloe Vera Juice to the tonic.

Remember to visit to take advantage
of the Ultimate Exercise Plane "Muscle Conditioning".

Well, that is it for now.

Keep Hanging and Banging.

Leon Cruz.

P.S. If you want to take advantage of the Ultimate fitness plan to use with this information
go to:


Copyright, Urban Publishing Co. LLC. 2006

**The contents of this Blog is not to be considered as medical advice.
Always consult a physician before beginning or changing any fitness

This Blog is protected by copyright, 2006, Urban
Publishing Co. LLC. Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of
any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the
express written consent of Urban Publishing Co. LLC.

Leon Cruz
Urban Publishing Co. LLC.
P.O. Box 70181
Brooklyn New York, 11207-0181

718-346-4337 Phone
718-346-4337 FAX

The Ultimate Fitness and Fat Burning Plan

There are many great fitness and training programs out there, but I would like to touch uponwhat makes an Ultimate Fitness program. The advise I am going to share with you here is information that I have not seen in any of the fitness programs being touted today. In this e-newsletter I will give you information that I give to many of my personal training clients.

To begin with, let's say you have decided to get into incredible shape both inside and out. You want to lower your fat levels to the single digits and be internally in great shape as well. To Start your program we must do what is called a Colon Cleanse. Right now as we speak thereis an excellent chance that you have between three to possibly ten pounds of undigested fecalmatter in your colon. When the late John Wayne passed away, his autopsy revealed over 37 lbs of impacted fecal matter in his intestines. Just the thought of all that poisoning should convince you to start off with a digestive track tune-up. This waste matter is highly toxic, suppressing your immune system, potentially causing gas, bloating and constipation, dramatically reducing the assimilation of nutrients, and slowing down your metabolism. One of the ways to clean your colon is to:

1) Get a colonic done. Preferably 15 of them within a 30 day time period. Getting a series of fifteen colonics over a thirty day period will help in cleaning and detoxifying your body. You will be able to assimilate and absorb all of those important nutrients that you will need in building lean muscle tissue and burn off fat. The other wonderful results you will get are high energy levels that will sky rocket; depression, stress, anxiety and fatigue are usuallydramatically reduced or eliminated. Food cravings are reduced or vanish completely.

2) The next choice for cleaning your colon, if you feel uncomfortable getting a colon cleanse,is by using a unique fiber supplement. Combine psyllium seed powder, psyllium husks and apple fiber to cleanse the bowel... trace minerals to eliminate heavy metals and... high potency acidophilus to create healthy intestinal flora and tone the intestinal tract. This cleansingprogram alone should make you feel like a new person. Many health food stores carry these items.You can also do a Google search for these items.

Stay tune for part 2 of The Ultimate Fitness and Fat Burning Plan.
Well, that is it for now.
Keep Hanging and Banging.
Leon Cruz.
P.S. If you want to take advantage of the Ultimate fitness plan to use with this information go to:

Copyright, Urban Publishing Co. LLC. 2006
**The contents of this Blog are not to be considered as medical advice. Always consult a physician before beginning or changing any fitness program.**
This Blog is protected by copyright, 2006, Urban Publishing Co. LLC. Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Urban Publishing Co. LLC.

Leon Cruz,
Urban Publishing Co. LLC.,
P.O. Box 70181 Brooklyn New York,

718-346-4337 Phone
718-346-4337 FAX