Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The Ultimate Fitness and Fat Burning Plan Part 7

A Crash course on Fat Burners.


Part of this Ultimate Fitness and Fat Burning Plan is to use supplemental support.
Supplements do work despite what many so called experts say about them. Many do not believe in
supplemental support and others do. I am one who does therefore I am going to give you
what I think are some of the best fat burning supplements to use towards your goal
of lowering your fat levels. For some that may be 10% and for others it may mean losing
about 20 pounds or even for the competitive athlete in bodybuilding who is looking for
4% body fat levels.

If you want to lose weight, it’s simply a matter of burning
more calories than you consume. Most of us have heard
that statement many times. And, taken word for word, it’s absolutely true.
If you take in less calories than you expend, you’ll burn stored energy
for fuel. So you’ll lose weight, and all will be well, right?
While this rationale is sound and simple, it’s straight out of the “old
school. I’m not saying it’s wrong—but it’s definitely outdated, incomplete,
and vague.

First of all, the term “lose weight” is not specific enough for what most
of us want to achieve. Many of us actually don’t want to lose weight at
all. We want to lose FAT. And we want to lose that fat while maintaining
or even gaining lean muscle mass.

Second, calories in vs. calories out is no longer the accepted formula
for successful fat loss. Scientists have discovered not only are total calories
important but meal timing and what we eat are key factors too. So
are the type and timing of exercise. And further scientific evidence shows
supplementation may help. But, trying to decide what supplements are
right for you can get very confusing—bordering on mind-boggling. In
order to help clear up the confusion, this newsletter offers a crash course in
which supplements might help you lose fat faster without sacrificing hardearned


Phosphates are in many foods. However,a recent study revealed that a specialized
blend of phosphates in a specific daily dose (1,200 mg of calcium phosphate, 600 mg of
potassium phosphate, and 300 mg of sodium phosphate) may not only support
the metabolism, it may actually increase resting metabolic rate. In this study, phosphate-
supplemented subjects burned significantly more calories even while resting.
Scientists believe phosphate may also help neutralize the production of lactic acid,
which is responsible for the burning sensation you feel when you’re working out
intensely. The idea is if you can postpone that “big burn,” you may be able to postpone
that “big crash” and get more reps in. What’s more, other studies suggest phosphates
may increase the ability of blood to move oxygen to working muscles, which
would again enhance endurance as well as improve production and use of glycogen to
help support the metabolism during low calorie diets.

Soy-Protein Isolate

Often, when you lower calorie intake,your body fights back by reducing your
metabolic rate. One reason this happens is your thyroid hormone (which helps regulate
how many calories you burn) production goes down, and your fat loss can come to
a screeching halt. Soy-protein isolate may be useful in this situation because studies
have shown it may help minimize thyroid suppression. Supplementing with between
25 and 50 grams of soy-protein isolate a day during a fat-loss program may be quite beneficial.


Xylitol is a low-glycemic carbohydrate,which means it does not cause your bloodsugar
levels to rise like most carbohydrates,thus helping to ensure an even energy
supply and stable blood-sugar levels.This unique carbohydrate has been shown in scientific
studies to help the body burn fat for fuel over and above even blood sugar.


In scientific studies, caffeine has been shown to help liberate fatty acids from
bodyfat stores, thus possibly increasing your body’s ability to burn fat.31 It may also
increase strength and “focus” during a workout and is often used for this purpose.
Effective doses range between 100 and 200 mg, 2 to 3 times per day.


Synephrine, also known as Citrus aurantium, is a “calmer” chemicalcousin to ephedrine.
This supplement may offer many of the metabolic-enhancing effects of ephedrine without
the side effects (such as the jitters). About 15 to 20 mg, in combination with caffeine
and tyrosine, may be helpful.


Tyrosine is vital in supporting the formation of neurotransmitters (“messengers” that
carry signals between brain cells). As much as 90% of your brain’s neurotransmitters are
synthesized directly from tyrosine. That’s important to you because neurotransmitters carry
the messages that tell your muscles to flex and contract. The stronger the signal, the
stronger your performance. Another big plus: tyrosine may promote alertness without
unwanted central-nervous-system side effects, unlike ephedrine.Research supporting U.S.
Patent #5,096,712 shows the addition of about a half gram of tyrosine to any type of
central-nervous-system stimulant (including caffeine and synephrine) may enhance the
effects of that compound.

Yohimbe Bark Extract

Yohimbe is an herbal extract from the bark of an African tree. It has gained a reputation
for its ability to support male sexual function because of its vasodilating properties.
Studies suggest yohimbine, the active compound in yohimbe, may increase blood flow to
erectile tissue, thereby supporting male sexual function. Studies also suggest yohimbe
(standardized for yohimbine, to supply three to eight milligrams per dose) may decrease
fat synthesis and increase fatty-acid mobilization from fat stores in women.4,20 What’s
more, yohimbe appears to support arterial health by decreasing platelet aggregation in
the bloodstream. The bottom line: this versatile herb may offer powerful health benefits
for both men and women.

We will continue on The Ultimate Fitness and Fat Burning Plan Part Eight.

Well, that is it for now.

Keep Hanging and Banging.

Leon Cruz.

P.S. If you purchase your Muscle Conditioning DVD's I will
send you the Muscle Conditioning Book absolutely free with some other
goodies. So visit:


P.P.S. Go to for the
special deal I have for you.

Copyright, Urban Publishing Co. LLC. 2006

**The contents of this Blog is not to be considered as medical advice.
Always consult a physician before beginning or changing any fitness

This Blog is protected by copyright, 2006, Urban
Publishing Co. LLC. Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of
any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the
express written consent of Urban Publishing Co. LLC.

Leon Cruz
Urban Publishing Co. LLC.
P.O. Box 70181
Brooklyn New York, 11207-0181
718-346-4337 Phone
718-346-4337 FAX

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?